The Evolution of Audit
The Evolution of Audit The meaning of auditing has changed a lot since then until now. If there is what is called the evolution of humans, there is likewise the evolution of auditing. Unlike the definition and the process of auditing nowadays, it existed primarily as a method to maintain governmental accountancy, and record-keeping. According to some studies, during the times of Ancient Egyptians, Greek and Romans, auditing the accounts of public institutions transpired. Auditing clerks who are characterized as the checkers of figures, postings, and documents to ensure that they are mathematically accurate and properly coded were overwhelmingly named in those days concentrating working on the public accounts, to trace frauds, and keep an eye on whether the receipts and payments are being recorded as it ought to be by the concerned person. Basically, these responsibilities were the primary objective of auditing during those days. In the mid-twentieth century , the expansion soug...